Communicate More in 2016

Communicate with your partner in 2016 for better sex!communicate in 2016

There are several online resources suggesting New Year sex resolutions. I think resolutions are a bit overrated. Plus, they can be very cliche. The New Year is about making a fresh start for many people. In that vein, why don’t you try making goals to improve your sex life? Goals are more attainable and don’t have to be grand ideas. They can be simple and small. Then when you reach the goal, you can set another. In 2016, I think the biggest goal you should make in your sexual relationship is to communicate more with your partner.


To communicate is to share or exchange information, news, or ideas. Simply put: you need to tell your partner what you want, what you need, and how they can help you achieve that. It may sound easy, but for some people the art of communication can be difficult and sometimes even scary. In relationships, you will never truly get what you want sexually unless you communicate. Unless your partner is a psychic, they often times need some direction.


We know that getting over fear of rejection or overcoming inhibitions is sometimes difficult. However, if you are in a sexual relationship with your partner, you have to trust them to listen and be willing to embrace your sexual suggestions, desires, and/or fantasies. Why would you want to be with someone you don’t feel comfortable communicating with?


You don’t have to have a long-term partner to embrace the goal of better communication either. Whether it’s a hook-up, friends with benefits, or someone you’re spending forever with, talking about how to make sex satisfying and great is always appropriate. So, in the 2016, make it a goal, a priority to yourself and your partner to communicate more. I promise communication will lead to a deeper connection and much better sex!

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