Safety Continues during Reopening

COVID-19 Retail Store policies and safety

Safety is Still our Top Priority.

Our doors have been reopened for just 2 weeks. It has been wonderful seeing regular customers and catching up with them. It’s also been fun meeting new customers. One customer made our day with the best compliment a business could receive during this time. He told us we had the best set-up he’s seen for social distancing and safety.

We have always taken pride in providing an atmosphere where customers feel comfortable. Now, we are upping our game! We want you not only to feel comfortable asking questions about sexual enhancement products but also safe to visit our boutique in person. After all, it’s more difficult than you think to choose just the right sex toy without being able to see it in person and/or ask questions.        

As Massachusetts’ COVID-19 cases and deaths continue to decline, we remain steadfast in following Governor Baker’s guidance for retail businesses. It is in the interest of our customers’ health and safety and our own to continuing practicing social distancing and wearing a mask. We ask that customers respect our policies in accordance with these guidelines when you visit our boutique. Please review entry policies and safety protocols on our Policies Page.

With Pleasure,
Desiree & Doreen 

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