3 New Year’s Sex Resolutions to Improve your Love Life.
Sex Resolutions #1
Communicate: Often times people assume their partner knows what they are thinking. My 8th grade teacher once told me, “to assume is to make an ass out of you and me.” When it comes to love and sex that phrase couldn’t be more than true. We must communicate and share fantasies. Most importantly, we must communicate what we want – our likes and dislikes. We can not assume the other person automatically knows what we want, and it’s okay if they don’t know. We need to empower our own sexuality to ensure great sex with our partners.
Sex Resolutions #2
Longer Foreplay: Time is limited these days and sometimes a quickie is all we can fit in, but in the new year try to increase your foreplay. You’ll be presently surprised with the outcome. Foreplay equals more arousal time, heightened stimulation, and increased passion in your love making. Many women require foreplay to increase libido and stimulate nerves. Adding a vibrator to the mix or using your favorite lotions/creams/gels can also help increase arousal during foreplay leading to more intense orgasms.
Sex Resolutions #3
Try Something New: The best part of being with a new or long-term partner is trying new things. Remember when you first started dating? There was a spontaneity of trying new things. As we settle in with long-term partners we can still have that desire. Whether you are with a new flame or a life-long partner, try something new and make your sex even more exciting this year. Here are some suggestions:
- Introduce a Sex Toy or Add to your Collection: a toy to get her going, a ring to keep him lasting, or a couples’ pleasure toy. There are many products you can try to spice up your new year and fulfill your sex resolutions.
- Share a Fantasy and Act it Out: school girl, naughty nurse, lock him up, you name it. Create your fantasy and make it happen!
- Try a New Position: sometimes changing things up doesn’t have to be difficult. It can be as easy as trying a new position or multiple positions to see what you enjoy. Instructional guides and DVDs can help!
What are some of your sex resolutions this year?