Gift Certificates Available

Gift Certificates Available

Have you looked at our Product Gallery or Online Order page and are just not sure what to buy for your loved one? We have a simple solution for that. Gift certificates are a great way for you to share the love. Purchase a gift certificate for merchandise at Desiree’s Desires, Inc. You’ll be sure to make someone have a pleasurable day!

Buy a gift certificate now. Purchase your pleasure products later when you have time to explore our boutique, ask questions, and get just the right sex toy for you. This also helps us during the temporary shutdown due to COVID-19! We are committed to getting through this pandemic and reopening for business on Tuesday, May 5, 2020 at 11:00am or as directed by the Governor.

Purchase a gift certificate in any denomination through the form below. Certificates are valid for 7 years from the date of issuance. Therefore, there is plenty of time to redeem them for stimulating goodies!

***All Gift Certificates will be processed via PayPal Invoice. Your invoice will not only be a receipt, but also your gift certificate voucher.*** 

Gift Certificate Order Form